What is Phoenix?

Resourcing the next generation

After many years of working on project in the Church, we realised that we are often working to solve yesterday’s problems. And so, with our experience, our incredibly gifted team, and our extensive network of ministries, we created Phoenix.

Phoenix is our research and development room, in which we conceive, develop, and build new initiatives and resources for our Church in this time of mission.

Why is it special?

A cross pollination of resources

The value of Phoenix is rooted in the relationships, experiences, and resources of Peter's House as an agency serving the church.

Growing network

Over the years, our network of ministries and individuals has grown vastly. This has enabled us to connect and collaborate valuably.

Comprehensive insights

Our work in Church mission both at top-down and grass-roots level has given us great insights into the challenges faced today.

Personal investment

We at Peter's House have a personal desire to see our Church thrive and grow, which drives us to innovate and create in the face of challenge.


We place prayer at the beginning and end of everything we do. We have faith that the Lord will guide us and give us strength to serve.


What's cooking?

Here are some teasers of the projects currently being worked on at Phoenix. We're excited to be launching more information about them as they develop.

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