Our Process

The journey to your new website

Our process has been shaped through years of projects with ministries of all shapes and sizes.

Build with us

We kick things off by looking at the project as a whole and identifying how we can work together most effectively.


We do our own research and investigations while you provide us with some foundational info.


We meet with your whole team for at least one whole day in our offices, where we dive into your ministry and the project.


We distill our findings and solutions into a single presentation for you to review and feedback on.


Next, we begin gathering all of the content necessary to create your new website.


Once we have everything we need, our team will shape, edit, and proof everything accordingly.


With everything ready and approved, our team will begin developing the website itself.


Once we're almost there, we'll share the website with you and your team while we're doing final checks.


Finally, we'll share your new digital presence with the world!


What can we do for you?

Our services and their solutions are tailored and shaped to the needs, objectives, and constraints of a ministry. We bring various solutions together for every project to maximise their value.  

Ministry Development

Journeying with Kingdom builders and empowering their ministries through accompaniment and strategic consulting to enable effective growth.


Crafting bespoke, user-friendly websites that capture the mission of your ministry, ensuring a compelling digital presence.


Creating inspirational content that captures your audience's attention with engaging storytelling and beautiful visuals.


Maximising your ministry's visibility through tailored digital marketing strategies and effective engagement across multiple platforms.


Designing, developing, and executing impactful events on behalf of your ministry to deepen your in-person engagement.


Ministry specific tailoring

Every context of ministry has its own unique challenges that have to be approached with equally unique processes, practices, budgets, and expertise.

New ministries

Starting something new can be exciting and challenging; let's talk about how we can help.


Having worked with many, we have created bespoke solutions for parishes of all shapes and sizes.


Dioceses face incredibly unique challenges that we're honoured to have helped to solve, can we help yours?


Any questions?

Our responses to some of the most common questions we receive about how we work. Still have questions? Get in touch!

Do you accept all projects?

Unfortunately, we can’t accept every project that comes to us. If we decide that a project isn’t for us, we’ll still make recommendations on what your next steps could be.

Contact us
What services do I need?

If you’re unsure exactly what support you need from us, make your best guess in our contact form and we’ll discuss when we meet.

Contact us
How long does a website take?

Every website process is unique, however, we typically expect it to take between 6 – 10 months.

Contact us
Do you do standalone projects?

This ordinarily depends on the project. We look to get involved in spaces where we can help to both build and grow.

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How much do you charge?

All of our budgets are bespoke to the needs and limitations of each ministry. Get in touch with us and, if we believe we can help, we’ll prepare a quote for you.

Contact us
Another question?

If you have another question for us, send us an email and we’ll get back to you.

Contact us


Build with us

Whether you're ready to start a project or just beginning to think of one, we would love to hear about it. Arrange a meeting with us and let's talk about how we might support you. Whilst we can't accept every project, we can share insights or make connections.


Grow with us

Our partnerships are our follow up invitation to our projects. They are bespoke, long-term relationships where we provide on-going services that will support your ministry and help you grow it. If you're interested in knowing more, get in touch.